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Upgrading Your IT Has Never Been More Critical to Success

Written by Chris Starr | Aug 21, 2023 2:30:00 PM

IT has changed dramatically in the last two decades, to say the least. We’ve seen more technological evolution in the last 18 months than we have in the last 18 years combined.

Business models have been completely reinvented for the modern digital age, and new tools have come to the forefront to serve as compasses in an industry that is continuously evolving.

Your operations depend on an integrated web of complex IT infrastructure, which makes keeping your systems up to date more critical than ever. IT upgrade services ensure your employees and teams remain optimally productive and strategic business objectives stay on track. When it comes to your IT, you simply can’t afford to fall behind today.

The Consequences for Not Upgrading Your Systems Can Be Catastrophic

More than ever, we’re dependent on connectivity and operations through technology, making a great IT system a make-or-break element for business success. The repercussions of an out-of-date IT system can’t be trivialized.

At best, your systems will be inefficient. Your business will take longer to do the same amount of work, leading to less progress and development toward your objectives. At worst, your system will be plagued by crashes, extended downtime, and crippling security breaches that could dismantle your company overnight.

Your Reputation Is Everything

If you want to maintain your company’s reputation in a competitive market, your IT systems must be a key factor in your strategy. With a single successful cyber-attack, someone who’s never once set foot in your office can hold your entire business for ransom.

An outdated IT system can result in software compatibility issues that make it impossible to access key processes. Unpatchable vulnerabilities can hang your sensitive data out on a line for anyone to see, and the constant threat of a devastating system crash will always loom on the horizon.

IT Doesn’t Have To Be That Way

An IT system upgrade is the simplest and most effective prevention method for these all-too-common scenarios. In most cases, upgrading your IT system prevents these issues entirely and equips your company to act swiftly in the unlikely event that something does happen.

With an up-to-date IT system, security breaches can be detected quickly, patches arrive more frequently, and data backups are more reliable. An IT upgrade is, simply put, one of the most strategic investments your company will ever make.

COVID Showed Us the Way

Recent history provides the ultimate case study. When governments imposed sudden COVID lockdowns, many companies ground to a halt for weeks as they scrambled to navigate the complexities of managing remote and hybrid workforces while maintaining productivity and profitability. With that, they lost time, revenues, and trust from their clients.

But businesses with recent IT system upgrades were equipped with a well-established infrastructure that allowed them to pivot in a single day. Their up-to-date IT infrastructure gave them remote access solutions, cloud-based file sharing, top-of-the-line data security, and approved mobile workstations, which allowed them to spend minimal time on IT transitions and more time serving clients.

Types of IT Upgrades You Should Think About

The right managed IT services provider will develop a roadmap of strategic upgrade guidance and expert execution that sets you up for long-term success, giving you the tools to pivot, evolve, and scale for the future.

Key IT upgrades:

IT transformations. Much like a home remodeling project, an IT managed service provider works with you to analyze your current systems, discuss your objectives, and identify specific problem areas. They’ll then develop a detailed roadmap for the new infrastructure, setting you up for success as they implement the upgraded IT system. They’ll replace your aging and outdated onsite IT systems with state-of-the-art technologies tailored to give your company a highly secure cloud-based IT system that targets your needs.

Cloud migrations. Cloud computing is here to stay. If your business isn’t in the cloud, it’s time to do something about it. Upgrade experts will help you migrate your current server network to the cloud, increasing your IT system’s accessibility and security and making sure your business is able to compete in the modern world.

Cyber security upgrades. Your IT system is only as good as its ability to withstand attacks. Top-notch IT providers leverage industry-leading processes to identify potential problem areas – there are more than 150 today – in every system, allowing them to determine exactly where you’re most vulnerable. An IT security upgrade applies that information strategically, tackling trouble spots and reinforcing defenses to ensure that your sensitive data is secure from prying eyes.

Remote infrastructure. Remote and hybrid workforces have become the new normal, and that trend will only continue to grow. An IT upgrade optimizes remote connectivity, collaboration capabilities, and security protocols, so your teams can work without interruption. The upgrade team will work with your strategic goals in mind to create a scalable network system capable of handling more employees with increased reliability, more efficient communication, and faster development overall.

Knowing When To Upgrade Your IT

With as fast as IT evolves today and new types of cyber-attacks popping up all the time, your upgrade can’t wait. Carefully consider your company’s positioning and make sure you have a plan to stay on top of your IT needs.

Here are three major factors that impact your need for an IT system upgrade:

  1. Routine replacement. You should proactively upgrade your IT system every 3 to 5 years to maintain the highest levels of efficiency. Any longer than that risks serious vulnerabilities and system failures that can lead to far more costly “rip and replace” upgrades down the line. Your IT system is a workhorse that keeps your business moving forward. Routine replacement ensures you’re keeping it healthy and up to the task.

  2. Software end-of-life support. Software reaches its end of life when it ceases to be updatable and maintainable by the manufacturer. This generally occurs 5 to 10 years after its release. (Hint, if anyone on your team is still using Internet Explorer, you’re well past the end-of-life point). Any issues that crop up at that point will be unsolvable by the manufacturer, which puts your entire platform at risk.

  3. Major business changes. Growth and evolution are part of business and worthy of celebration. But with major business changes comes the need to reevaluate your IT solutions. If you acquire another company, establish a new location, begin growing exponentially, or transition to a remote platform due to a global pandemic, it’s time to take a fresh look at your IT systems and critically analyze their current effectiveness.

Choose Your IT Upgrade Partner Carefully

When you tackle a strategic IT upgrade, it’s essential to enlist a top-tier IT services partner to guide and manage the process. You want an IT upgrade process that’s engineered to ensure quality through professional expertise, tailored solutions, and careful installation.

The process begins with scope. The best upgrade services provide you with a full estimate of the time commitment and resources necessary to make it happen, establishing clear and consistent communication with your business from the very beginning, and preventing surprise costs and endless delays.

Once a game plan is in place, their team will handle all the major IT system upgrades and migrate everything over to the new setup, ensuring minimal downtime and expert installation procedures from day one.

Upgrading Your IT Should Be a Continuous Strategic Business Goal

It doesn’t make sense to tie your hands behind your back with outdated technology and vulnerable systems that can’t adapt to modern problems like remote access and cyber security. Your system has to be perfectly designed to get the results your goals demand. If you’re not getting maximum results through efficiency, productivity, and scalability, it’s time to upgrade your system.