A Look Inside
Raising the Bar for Managed IT Service Providers
At Dynamic Computing, we’re raising the bar for managed IT service providers in the Pacific Northwest. We cultivate growth, change, and improvement for team and clients alike, and strive for progress each and every day. We balance it all out with a healthy dose of fun in and out of the office.
Happy International Beer Day! Here at DC we love a good brew, we asked our employees to send over their...
Cheers to Friday! Here at Dynamic Computing we are staying connected by keeping our normal office happy hour- but making...
A year ago, our Ops team started searching for their third musketeer. This is the result guys.⠀ Also, if you're...
The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear: we’re rounding up our holiday crew...
That awkward moment when you and your boss are wearing the same exact outfit. #itwasntplanned #orwasit #whoworeitbetter • •...
Another year in the books! #itn18 Soaked up some great Florida sun, some great breakout sessions and UHMAZING networking events!
T-minus 7 days until @kgemeroy, @katiewa & @noelle.marchesini are all on a plane for #ITNation2018! #helloFlorida #bringingSPF110 #WeMakeTechnologyWork • •...
RIAN GOT PROMOTED! @freriater celebrated his 3rd workiveraries just a couple weeks ago and now we're please to announce he's...
On Wednesdays we wear pink. On October 3rd we watch #MeanGirls on repeat in velour. #WeMakeTechnologyFetch
Wanted: Service Tech skilled in gif communication and print queue issues. Will pay in nerf darts and #poptarts. •...
A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who participated or donated in #RunofHope. We walked and ran and raised nearly $1,500....
Dynamic Computing will be closed on Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor Day. Whether you're enjoying your favorite hobby...
We're excited to announce our participation in this year's @runofhope, a 5k walk/run committed to raising funds and awareness for...
Congratulations to our very own President and CEO, Kevin Gemeroy, who made the list of Puget Sound Business Journal's 40...
What goes up... Well, actually, these bad boys don't have to come down. RELATED: all biz dev peeps that...
Dynamic hopes your fourth was filled with all your favorite things. @keekmaxima & @noelle.marchesini prefer...
There's nothing we love more than a day off (well, except a really well managed IT environment) and we'll be...
OH HELLO EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH! This is Chris. Chris has been with Dynamic for almost 4 years and knows...
Our Service Team ventured into the woods this past weekend for some building: grilling the perfect steak (not pictures because...
No slimming down for summer over here, we're bulking up #officeGAINZ #officeremodel
When in doubt, order ice cream and beer. #fridayfunday #sorrykevin
Remember that time we said we're #truetotheblue? We weren't kidding. We've added company tickets to fireworks night to our summer...
#throwbackthursday to last November at #ITNation - and now we're gearing up to do it again!
We've posted a trap, er, I mean, job posting for an Engineering Technician! Click the link our bio if you...
WANTED: automation driven team member that's skilled with a #nerf gun. Click the link in our bio and head over...
MEET OUR NEW CREW MEMBERS! We’re pretty excited to announce we added a Dynamic Duo to the DC team. MATT...
We’ve got our game faces on for 2018. . . . . . #dynamiccomputing #soseattle #worklife #loveyourjob #belltown #itservices #seattlejobs...
Happy New Years from the Dynamic Crew !!!!! . . . . . #happyholidays #officelife #workflow #holidayhours
Dear Santa, Please send coffee, more nerf guns, and unlimited data for Christmas. . . . . #officechristmas #happyholidays...
Big news over at Dynamic Computing!! We opened up another J-O-B for those of you who are up for the...
*DYNAMIC IS HIRING* Our Ops Team is looking for a third musketeer. Think you have what it takes? Click the...
New month- New website. Go check out our fresh new site and tell us what you think. *link in bio*...
Fall birthdays left us missing the beach...so we brought the sand to us Hau’oli lā hānau @manaiakalani ! ....
Closing the office tomorrow and Friday in name of good laughs and good food. #HappyThanksgiving #bringonthepie
Most of our meetings today involved staring longingly at the snow falling. #tgif
Welcomes, Promotions, Thank You’s & Goodbyes! To Check out what’s been going on around the DC office- click the link...
#ThisIsHowWeRoll . DC Birthday and Workiversary Lunch & Learn Sushi style! Thanks @davidthedoan . Congrats to all the Dynamic...
So many reasons to celebrate! #HappyBDayRian #HappyBDayNoelle #Happy1YrWorkiversaryBrendan #Happy1YrWorkiversaryNoelle #Happy1YrWorkiversaryPJ #Happy2YrWorkiversaryRian #Happy17YrWorkiversaryKevin
Feeling Social #IceCreamSocial @sweetwheelsseattle . . #Belltown #seattle #icecream
What a view from the office this morning! #FunInTheSun #CanYouSeeMeNow . . . #SolarEclipse2017 #seattle #Belltown . Thanks for the...
The secret, according to birthday boy and panini connoisseur Chris Starr, is to limit your fillings to 3 ingredients. But,...
#TBT #WeFoundFernGully #CompanyGetaway #ReTreating #WorkHardPlayHard #GoodFriendsGoodTimes #GrowingStrong . . Thanks Lochaerie Resort for the great times!
@pj.scalisi Serving up @mcdonalds realness thanks to @ubereats in his new McOnesie! . . . #goldenarchmoments #McOnesie #ubereats #PJinPJs #ITService...
I swear these guys either shop together or at least have a coordinated calendar. #twinning #plaidalldayeveryday #mancrusheveryday #arenttheyadorbsthough
We're really into plaid around here #plaidconvention #dapperdudes #seattlefashion
We sent a couple guys from our Engineering team to Las Vegas for the #KaseyaConnect conference. From the looks of...
Our very own Rian got married to the beautiful Esther in #Hawaii! Aren't these photos gorgeous?! Congratulations to the happy...
On Wednesdays, we wear pink! #meangirlsquote #arenttheyadorbsthough #happyhumpday @noelle.marchesini @manaiakalani
Celebrating Jason's 4th year Workiversary @navystrengthbar! #workhardplayhard #workfriends
Today is our HR & Operations Manager, Katrin's 3 year Workiversary! She got a small garden in her office to...
Here's one of our Project Engineers, John hard at work putting together new NUCs for our client! And yes, those...
Congrats to PJ for completing his Watchguard certification! #watchguard #msplife
Friday night #happyhour was a good way to start the weekend #MondayFunday #isit5oclockyet #wheredidtheweekendgo
This is Noelle, Dynamic Computing's resident Operations Coordinator/ Girl Scout..... cookie hog! #GirlScoutCookies #CookieMonster #ChubChub
Busy day for the project team! Getting some laptops ready to be installed in the lab! #ITWorkBeingDone
MATT’S BACK! ⠀ Matt was out on paternity leave for the better part of December. We’re thrilled to have him...
Thinking about getting an office lightsaber..... seems like a good way to end meetings. #wemaketechnologywork #usetheforce • • • •...
In just 4 short weeks, we're taking over the Columbia Tower Club to host a lunch and learn with Dropbox...
Did someone say happy hour? Oh wait, we did. We'll be taking over @atlasnetworks' steam-punk theme office next Wednesday with...
Some of us are still half buried under snow, but we're still working - find out how we managed to...
We're speaking from experience on this one, we've seen tons of variations on internal IT. Link to the blog in...